Singing Guide: Charlie Puth & blackbear

Singing Guide: Charlie Puth & blackbear

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Charlie Puth

Charlie Puth is widely known for his soft, smooth vocals, which he often uses to deliver emotionally charged performances. His music is a mix of R&B, pop, and soul, with a focus on catchy hooks and intricate harmonies.

To sing like Charlie Puth, you should focus on improving your range and agility. His vocal performances are marked by smooth transitions between notes and impressive runs.

One of Charlie Puth's signature techniques is his use of falsetto, which he deploys to great effect on songs like "Attention" and "We Don't Talk Anymore." To master this technique, it's crucial to focus on your breath control and posture, which will allow you to hit higher notes without straining your voice.

Another key aspect of Charlie Puth's vocal style is his use of vibrato, which he often deploys to add depth and emotion to his performances. One way to practice vibrato is to use Singing Carrots' vocal training exercises, which include a range of warm-ups and breathing techniques to help you improve your control and flexibility.

To get started with singing like Charlie Puth, try practicing some of his top songs. "Attention," "One Call Away," and "See You Again" are all great choices that will allow you to hone your skills and showcase your vocal range and agility.


blackbear is another talented pop singer with a unique vocal style. His music is characterized by his smooth, soulful delivery, and his innovative use of production techniques to create catchy, hook-laden tracks.

To sing like blackbear, you should focus on developing your breath control and range. His singing is marked by emotive performances that often have a slightly edgier, more urban feel than some of Charlie Puth's tracks.

One key technique that blackbear often uses is his falsetto, which he often deploys to great effect on songs like "Hot Girl Bummer" and "idfc." To master this technique, it will help to practice Singing Carrots' Twang and Growling exercises, which are designed to improve your range and breath control.

Another element of blackbear's vocal style is his use of nasal delivery, which is often combined with a lower register to create a unique, gritty feel. To work on your delivery, it can be helpful to practice Singing Carrots' Nasality exercises, which provide techniques to develop your control over your tone and delivery.

To practice singing like blackbear, try performing some of his top songs. "Hot Girl Bummer," "Me and Ur Ghost," and "idfc" are all great choices that will let you showcase your range and deliver a powerful, emotive performance.

Practical Advice and Resources

To develop your singing skills and learn how to sing like Charlie Puth and blackbear, there are several resources available from Singing Carrots that you should take advantage of.

  • To help you analyze your voice and understand your vocal range, try Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test.
  • To work on your pitch accuracy, start with Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test.
  • To improve your breath control and agility, try Singing Carrots' Pitch Training exercises.
  • To find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference, use Singing Carrots' Song Search tool.
  • To see the vocal ranges of famous singers and compare them to your own, check out Singing Carrots' Artist Vocal Ranges section.
  • To improve your overall vocal technique, consider enrolling in Singing Carrots' singing course, which is designed for beginners and includes 21 lessons covering everything from vocal theory to practical singing tips.

By implementing these practical resources and following the advice outlined above, you can take your singing skills to the next level and become a true pop star like Charlie Puth and blackbear.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.